ORLANDO, FL. – OUC—The Reliable One will conduct annual prescribed burns at the Stanton Energy Center (SEC) beginning the week of 16 de enero de 2024. About 1,200 acres of vegetation are slated for burning in small, manageable units, between January and junio de 2024.
Las quemas tienen el objetivo de mantener el hábitat esencial necesario para la supervivencia del pájaro carpintero cabeza roja y otras especies nativas que están en peligro de extinción, y son una exigencia del Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre del Departamento del Interior de Estados Unidos y la Comisión de Conservación de Vida Silvestre y Pesca de Florida. They also serve to reduce brush buildup (pine needles, leaves) that can contribute to wildfires, and help control competing vegetation, mitigate tree diseases and stimulate seed germination.
The project will be conducted between January and junio de 2024. Pending weather conditions, burns will be scheduled intermittently on an as-needed, as-authorized, day-by-day basis between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Although soil conditions (wetness), wind and temperatures will determine when the burns will occur, OUC anticipates 25 individual burns to accomplish a 1,200-acre management plan goal. Estará disponible en línea un mapa del área programada una vez que comience la actividad y se actualizará en consecuencia.
OUC utiliza profesionales específicamente capacitados en quemas preplaneadas, y tomó todas las precauciones de seguridad necesarias para garantizar una operación exitosa y controlada.
Para obtener más información sobre las quemas preplaneadas y un mapa del área programada, así como sobre la forma en la que OUC administra la reserva natural de 3,200 acres en el Stanton Energy Center, visite OUC.com/Stanton.
Acerca de OUC—The Reliable One
In junio de 2023, OUC—The Reliable One celebrated 100 years of providing exceptional value to its customers and community through the delivery of sustainable and reliable services and solutions. The utility provides electric, water, chilled water, lighting and solar services to more than 400,000 accounts in Orlando, St. Cloud and parts of unincorporated Orange and Osceola counties. As OUC prepares for the next century, it remains committed to its goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 while supporting its community with conservation, sustainability and energy efficiency resources. Visit www.ouc.com to learn more.