Iniciativas ecológicasIniciativas ecológicas

Nos esforzamos por conseguir la mejor medida de rendimiento medioambiental, comenzando con nuestro carbón bajo en azufre y cenizas, y terminando con nuestros pozos para el control del agua subterránea. Conozca los detalles de la gestión ambiental de larga data de OUC.

Conozca OUC

OUC—The Reliable One is a municipally owned public power and water utility providing service to more than 274,000 customers (437,000 active services) in Orlando and St. Cloud, Florida, as well as portions of adjacent unincorporated Orange and Osceola counties. The utility operates and maintains a portfolio of assets, systems and services to include the production, transmission and distribution of electric power and water, as well as chilled water, indoor and outdoor lighting, back-up generation, solar energy and electric vehicle charging.

OUC is the second largest municipal utility in Florida. Additionally, OUC is the 14th largest municipal utility in the United States. Firmly planted in Central Florida, OUC enjoys a thriving economy supported by tourism and hospitality. Large customers include Universal Orlando Resort and the Orlando International Airport, both currently engaged in substantial expansion programs. OUC's five-member governing board, known as the Commission, is responsible for setting the utility's prices and operating policies.

All appointed Commissioners, with the exception of the Mayor of Orlando (an ex officio member), can serve up to two consecutive four-year terms. 

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