Para maestros y estudiantes

At OUC, we are committed to protecting Orlando’s environment and believes teaching young people at any age to respect the value of energy and water will help them grow into environmentally conscious adults in the years to come.

Conozca nuestros programas comunitarios para educar a los niños en cuanto a conservación del agua y encuentre las herramientas para ayudar a enseñar a los niños acerca de la generación de energía.

Proyecto Water Color

Educar sobre conservación del agua a través del arte

Orange County Public School students are helping OUC—The Reliable One get the word out about the importance of saving water. Desde 2006, OUC ha patrocinado el proyecto Water Color, un esfuerzo educativo diseñado para alentar la conservación del agua a través del arte.

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Watt Savings Project

Teaching Energy Conservation Through Art

In agosto 2024, Osceola County Public Schools will help OUC—The Reliable One get the word out about the importance of saving energy through an education outreach effort designed to encourage energy conservation through art.

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Proyecto AWESOME

Bringing Science to Life

OUC has partnered with the Orlando Science Center to deliver an interactive curriculum to Orange and Osceola County Public School classrooms within OUC’s service area. The program includes two, 90-minute classroom workshops for students as week as hands-on labs and pre- and post-classroom activities.

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